Master Thesis/Internship in organic coatings for lithium metal anode
CSEM Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique SA - Recherche et Développement
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Facing the Challenges of our time
Help us grow and be more impactful!
The “Coatings for Energy Devices” group of our “Sustainable Energy” Business Unit based in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, is
currently looking for an intern in Development of Organic-Inorganic Coatings for Lithium metal anode.
Help us grow and be more impactful!
The “Coatings for Energy Devices” group of our “Sustainable Energy” Business Unit based in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, is
currently looking for an intern in Development of Organic-Inorganic Coatings for Lithium metal anode.